Thursday, June 05, 2008

Stop praying and eat your dinner!

Every night we pray with Katie before she goes to sleep. She closes her eyes and puts her hands together and off we go. We thank God for what he has done for us that day and we always pray for someone else. As her understanding and language developed we started to ask her what or who she wanted to pray for.

Katie has surprised us a few times suggesting people that we would never have thought of praying for, and it's been great. However, we struggled a little this week when she wanted to pray for cars! So we prayed and after the Amen, she said 'my turn' and this is how it went:

'Thank you God cars, thank you God dangerous, Amen!'

Then, the other day half way through dinner she wanted to pray. So she did, then she wanted to pray again, so she did, and again, and again, until eventually daddy interrupted her with 'Stop praying and eat your dinner!' Is this acceptable or should we be encouraging holy habits?


Blogger Heather's place said...

Isn't there something in the NT about God not being impressed with long prayers?

Or in the OT about there being a time for everything?

Come on, you're the guys studying theology - you should be able to find something that supports your preconceived ideas.


Still missing you all.

6:48 PM  

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