Thursday, November 22, 2007

Little Miss Independent

There are loads of things to learn in the world when you are 15 months old and Katie seems to be learning at a rapid rate. She seems to be following in her daddy's footsteps. The main way junior doctors learn new procedures is to watch one, do one, teach one. This seems to be Katie's motto too. She will watch us and have a go herself.

Katie now feeds herself all the time (she is very protective of her spoons and her food - getting into a paddy even if we try to cool it down by blowing on it!)

Katie now walks to nursery (the pace is painful, and not great for our time keeping either).

Katie now cleans her own teeth (depending on your definition of 'cleans').

And her latest game - she carries her own little bag around everywhere, looking for things to put in it (don't even think about trying to take it off her!)


Blogger Heather's place said...

That's girls for you.

Just before Alistair started school the headmaster warned all the parents that they must make sure their kids could dress themselves after PE.

He said boys were much worse at this than girls. Given half a chance the girls would dress themselves and then sort the boys out.

I wonder who Katie will be sorting out?

10:33 PM  
Blogger Tasha said...

Gabe likes to brush his teeth too, but he gets most upset when it's time to rinse and put the tooth brush away. I feel your pain on that front! I'm so concerned he isn't doing a very good job - mainly cause he won't let me do it for him and he tends to just stand and chew the brush argh! If you figure out how to get Katie to let you help, let me know lol!

1:00 AM  

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